
Tuesday, August 24, 2010


     My name is Lisa Ferro. I was born in Queens, New York some 20 years ago. My parents, my sister, and I moved to this city, known as Mobile, AL, in 1991. Over the years, I have repeatedly revisited my hometown, to spend quality time with family. These frequent summer travels are the source for some of my fondest memories of my childhood. Before I knew it, I was getting older, began working, and responsibilities flooded my adolescent years. Which brings us to today.
     I am an Elementary Education major at the University of South Alabama. After attempting to study in other fields, such as Engineering and Social Work, I came back to my first choice, Education. From an early age, I knew I wanted to be a teacher. It may have taken two years of exploring other options to make me realize this is what I wanted to do. I chose Education as my major because I thoroughly enjoy working with children. I volunteered, for a short time, at the local children's hospital, where I would assist the teacher in the hospital in teaching patients.
     In my spare time, I enjoy playing racquetball. Well, I played for a while, until I had my surgery. I repeatedly dislocated my shoulder, which would land me right in the emergency room. I would have to be sedated for the physician to re-set my shoulder. As you may have guessed, that is not a pleasant experience. Over the past summer, I opted to have shoulder surgery, where I had three anchors inserted. Unfortunately, I spent the majority of summer in physical therapy. But I'm glad I took the summer off from playing racquetball to get my shoulder repaired. I pray that this is a one time fix!
     One thing many do not know about me, is that I am slightly O.C.D. I cannot stand to walk into a kitchen with open cabinets. I will stop any activity to go and close a cabinet door or drawer. I have the tendency to count my steps, while walking up and down stairs. That makes it rather difficult to carry on a conversation while commuting to another floor. I am beginning to think that I may have been the milkman's baby, as my sister had so cynically suggested over the years, for I am the only one in my family with such intricate pet peeves.


  1. It looks like you are off to a great start in your EDM 310 class. However, it is very difficult to read your posts with this particular background because the text is moving over the graphics. Try changing the post background color.

  2. I can't stand open drawers in the kitchen. I have not succeeded in training my wife to close them all the way.

  3. OCD can we hard to deal with if it's bad, I have a cousin who is OCD pretty bad. She has to constantly write everything down and she always counts! I hope yours isn't too bad!! I hate drawers open and cabinets too. That's cool you're from New York and you go visit so often! I've only been one time, but it was an awesome experience!
